Business Security News
What is Shadow IT? Understanding the Hidden Threats to Your Business
Shadow IT is as shady as it sounds. When employees take IT matters into their own hands, such as using their personal computers for work or installing unauthorised software onto their computers, the business is at risk of cyber security threats. Shadow IT solutions...
Basic Business Resiliance – Maintain Multiple Bank Accounts to Protect Against Downtime
We often pretend it doesn't happen - but unfortunately it does - banks go down from time to time. They have scheduled downtime, system failures and mysterious unplanned outages that no-one really explains. The point is - they are imperfect and vulnerable like most...
Things You Can Do to Secure Your Business That are Free
Whilst we would always recommend protecting your business in every way possible, there are times when resources may be limited or deployment of new processes is slow and it's right to look for ways to improve security regardless. In fact, all of the things listed here...
The Shodan Search Engine: A Powerful Tool for Mitigating Security Risks
The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to endless sources of information and resources. However, with this convenience comes the risk of cyber attacks and security breaches. As technology advances, so do the methods used by hackers...
Understanding Stuxnet
Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm that was discovered in 2010. It was designed to target and disrupt industrial control systems (ICS), particularly those used in nuclear plants. This made it the first-known cyber weapon, as it was specifically created to cause...
How to Lose Friends and Secure People
Navigating Small Business Security In small business, relationships are more direct than within larger organisations. Smaller businesses are also likely to have seen greater growth and change in shorter timeframes. Sometimes, these factors can make it hard to...