Securing your business against threats

Welcome to Business Defence Systems. Defend your business against current and emerging threats. Through systems, software and hardware, we support you in protecting your organisation, assets and staff.

Want to increase your level of business security but unsure where to start? If you’re able to take 5 minutes to complete a simple questionnaire, we will come back to you with suggestions and options to help. These may be products or simple zero cost actions you may be able to take. This service is free, without obligation.

Leverage the power of cloud-based security to protect your business from inbound threats in email, website traffic and unknown attacks.

Notices of attack issued to businesses by the National Cyber Security Centre

Arm Your Business Today Against all Levels of Attack

PC/Mac Protection

Machine-based protection for your PCs, Macs or Linux workstations.

Mobile Device Protection

Colleagues using phones and tablets for work? Bring these under global threat protection.

Email Protection

Possibly the easiest way for intruders to gain initial access to a company’s systems. Protect from the cloud and per-device.

VPN/Zero Trust Protection

Maintain secure virtual networks for remote workers; implement security proxies for web traffic.

Penetration Testing

Ensure your servers, websites, routers and other endpoints remain secure at all times with regular pen testing.

Web Application Firewalls

Protect key online assets such as ecommerce sites with web application firewalls (WAF).

Server Protection

Server-based solutions include antivirus, firewalls, DDoS protection and more.

Staff Awareness

Increase awareness of threats amongst colleagues with training and accreditation.

Stay Productive

Don’t let criminals and state actors disrupt your business. Allow your team to get on with their work, unhindered – and ensure your organisations stays up and moving.

Get in Touch

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    You can also email us on [email protected] or call us on +44(0)20 4577 0250.